Friday, November 17, 2017

MAES Scholars 2017

The purpose of MAES (Mexican American Engineers in Science) is to increase the number of Mexican American and other Hispanics in technical and scientific fields. MAES the leading Latino organization for the development of STEM leaders in the academic, executive and technical communities. MAES works to increase the opportunities of students and has extended support to two students.

Micaela Roybal
University of Texas, 2019
Major: Civic Engineering   |   GPA: 2.59

Micaela is an Austin native and a third year student at the University of Texas. During the summer she worked as a server for University of Texas Club in order to save money for the upcoming semester. She continues to stay engaged in HSC activities by serving as a mentor during HSC’s Latino Leaders events and also serving on a panel addressing how college administrators can help engage Latino students on campus.

HSC kevin.jpg

Kevin Bejarano-Romero
University of Texas, 2018
Major: Math  |  GPA: 3.40

Kevin is in his first semester of his senior year at the University of Texas at Austin. In past semesters, he worked as a host at Maudie's Hacienda for extra money. This summer, in addition to work, he prepped for the Actuarial Professional Exam. He stays connected to HSC by serving on a panel that addresses how college administrators can help engage Latino students on campus.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

YHPAA Scholars 2017

Founded in 2006, the Young Hispanic Professional Association of Austin (YHPAA) states its mission as a contribution of leadership and opportunities for professional development for young Latinx professionals in the greater Austin community. YHPAA supports higher education by providing scholarships as well as mentorship programs to students with connections to central Texas. The association has extended support to one returning student as well as to two new scholars, all pursuing undergraduate degrees at the University of Texas at Austin.

Mark Sand
University of Texas at Austin, 2019
Cockrell School of Engineering

Mark Sand is a native of Arlington, Texas and a third year student at the Cockrell School of Engineering at the University of Texas. He studies electrical as well as computer engineering, with plans to pursue robotics after obtaining his masters from UT. Mark is a recipient of the Lawrence F. Ramirez Memorial Scholarship for excellence in engineering and a third year returning scholar.

David Diaz
University of Texas at Austin, 2021
McCombs School of Business

David Diaz is a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin, pursuing a major at the McCombs School of Business. David is a Houston native, and a new recipient of the YHPAA Future Leaders Scholarship, which assists top scholars pursuing higher education.

(not pictured)
Cynthia Lopez
University of Texas at Austin, 2021
McCombs School of Business

Cynthia Lopez is a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin, seeking a degree in Human Dimensions of Organizations as well as one in Spanish, with a minor in International Business. Native to Lockhart, Texas, Cynthia is a newly recognized scholar for excellence by the YHPAA Future Leaders Scholarship fund.