Meghan O’Garr is a Rhode Island native currently in her
third year at St. Edward’s University and has interned at HSC for three
semesters. The tagline in her email reads "A ship in harbor is safe, but
that is not what ships are for," which she hopes serves as a reminder to
constantly push the boundaries of one’s comfort zone. On a completely unrelated
note, she had a near death drowning experience on a recent trip to Thailand.
When Justice Eva Guzman walked up to the check in table at
the “Opening Doors: Meeting the demands of a 21st century global marketplace,”
I was starstruck to say the least. After all, it’s not everyday that one has
the opportunity to meet one of the “101 Most Influential Latino Leaders.”
Justice Eva Guzman, the keynote speaker for the benefit hosted by the Gardere
Law Firm, had a moving speech.
The most fulfilling thing for me was seeing our scholars
network with the prestigious lawyers, legislatures, judges, and other prominent
guests in attendance. Our older, seasoned scholars, especially those attending
law school currently, are at ease with the people that will someday become
their bosses, coworkers, and prospective clients.