Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Scholar Stories: Nathan Salazar

Nathan Salazar is a current HSC Scholar from Lubbock, TX. He is pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Science at Texas State University. His expected graduation rate is May 2015. He is a recepient of the "State Representative Irma Rangel Memorial Scholarship."

"HSC and the Hispanic Bar Association of Austin have and continue to play an integral part in my pursuit of higher education.Both, HSC and the HBAA, understand the importance of taking the time to listen to their members; thus allowing them to enlist future leaders from a diverse set of backgrounds. This time investment has been crucial to my success because it has allowed me to tell my story, as a Texan with Mexican roots, from a low-income community."

Regardless of being a first generation college student, Nathan overcame many obstacles in order to achieve successfully. 
"For the most part, I have faced many obstacles as a first generation college student. For me, a major issue I have overcame is the awareness of the numberless resources available to students. From emotional guidance to financial aid advice, students must make themselves aware of how the hidden and inner workings of higher education operate. Doing so, has allowed me to adapt and use education as a tool. A tool that I have learned to use at its upmost effectiveness to achieve my duty as a productive, pro-active member of my community."

Other than being a full-time student, Nathan stays actively involved at Texas State University by completing internships, serving as a writing tutor, and staying involved with Leadership programs. "Currently, I am involved in Texas State’s Leadership Capstone Program, which is geared towards exploring the complexities of leadership.Thus far, the program has allowed me to refine my leadership skills in preparing myself for future leadership roles and has given me the opportunity to continue service to others."

In the future, Nathan hopes to go to Law School and study international law and Human Rights to become a practicing lawyer. After Law school, Nathan hopes to go back to school and attain a PhD in Political Science.

To help fund Nathan's dream of going to Law School, please donate here.