Friday, December 5, 2014

Junior Texas Leadership Pipeline Program Re-Cap

In collaboration with Austin ISD, City of Austin and Austin Energy, Jr Texas Leadership Pipeline Program,a year long program,brings high school students from across the district for quarterly sessions focused on identity, college and career readiness, service, academic success and leadership.

The first session of the Junior Texas Leadership Pipeline Program was held on Saturday November 22, 2014. The focus for the first session was for the students to learn more about different colleges around the area and to start thinking about other college-related topics such as majors and financial aid.

During the session, students collaborated together to understand the meaning of leadership. Through hands-on and group activities, students discovered new ways that they could grow as leaders in their lives, classrooms and communities. Service was another concept that was focused on during the conference. As a group, students brainstormed ideas on ways that they could engage with their community.
The next conference will be held on January 10th, 2015 during HSC's Winter Summit. High school students will have a chance to network with current HSC scholars and will also have the opportunity to tour the ACC Eastview campus.  

For more information on the Jr. Texas Leadership Pipeline Program, click here.   

 "My vision for the future: become a good person who helps others. have a great job that really makes me feel complete, and have a family." -Diana, 10th Grade

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