Friday, April 1, 2016

Scholar Spotlight of the Week

Pedro Villalobos is an HSC Scholar enrolled in the University of Texas School of Law. He chose to go to law school because a law degree would open doors for him in the fields of politics, government, and policy. After law school Pedro hopes to remain in Austin and work for either the Travis County Attorney's Office or for an immigration law firm.
As an undocumented student, this has been a huge obstacle that he has had to face. Thankful for the opportunities presented to undocumented students as a result of DACA, Pedro has been able to pursue his dream of receiving a JD degree. Outside of the classroom, Pedro enjoys going to concerts, cooking interior Mexican cuisine, and volunteering and working on political campaigns. He worked as Policy and Digital Director for the Sally Hernandez for Sheriff campaign in Travis County.
In this position he researched, analyzed, and wrote memos on topics of interest - including but not limited to, the Priority Enforcement Program, in-person visitation, mental health, general health, recidivism/reentry programs, school to prison pipeline, cite and release programs, and body cameras. Pedro worked closely with Constable Sally Hernandez and other campaign advisers. He drafted policy for the Sally Hernandez Campaign, staffed Constable Hernandez at events and maintained and updated Facebook and Twitter accounts.
To Pedro, being an HSC scholar means that there is a network of people supporting him along his path to becoming the first person in his family to graduate from college and law school. At the beginning of his law school career Pedro did not feel prepared but with graduation steadily approaching in May of 2016, he has proven to HSC, his family, and himself, that through hard work and perseverance even the largest of obstacles can be overcome.
His advice to students thinking about college after high school is, “College is within everyone's grasp. Grades do not define you as a student or a person. Conviction, a positive attitude, dedication, and a hard working attitude will get you past the goals you have set.” Pedro also offers his number one study tip to students, being to take breaks. “Studying for hours on end tires the mind and the body. Get outside and run for 10 minutes, watch a short TV show, talk to a friend, read a few pages in your favorite book. The best results don't come from hours of being secluded in a room or from looking at text.”

We here at HSC are very proud of Pedro and are excited to see where his drive will take him next! Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and we wish you nothing but the best.

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